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Karaoke text písně Powerman 5000 - Enemies

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY p >> Powerman 5000 >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Size Matters, Man vs. Machine , Man Vs Machine, Rat Age (Sworn Kinds Final Verses), Hotel California, Destroy What You Enjoy, Amaryllis, The Greatest Story Never Told, I Believe,

I'm a punk, I'm king, I'm a coward
Full of promise and destiny
But you don't understand me anyway (that's okay)

You can run and hide and duck in the city
You can drag yourself all over the world

I'm a snake with the blood of electric
No need for conspiracy
'Cause you won't understand me anyway (that's no problem)

Gonna laugh when the earth dies screaming
Gonna dance in the fire light
'Cause you won't understand me anyway (okay whatever)

You can run and hide and duck in the city
You can drag yourself all over the world

You can do most anything from sea to shinning sea
But you can't live without your enemies
Enemies, enemies, enemies

(Let's go!)

Getting even ain't enough, revenge is the key
Get your strength and inspiration from your enemies

You can run and hide and duck in the city
You can drag yourself all over the world

You can do most anything from sea to shinning sea
But you can't live without your enemies
Enemies, enemies, enemies

(The end)

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