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Více než 1900 karaoke skladeb ve 29 formátech. 1,1 TB pro Váš ON-LINE download. Platba na dobírku, převodem nebo kartou.

Karaoke text písně Play - Hand In Hand

Alba s touto skladbou: This Year's Model , This Year's Model, Ring frei, Live your dream, Hand in Hand - The Winteralbum, 6 Days To Nowhere , Nur zu Besuch - Unplugged im Wiener Burgtheater, Parallel Lives, Live and Electric, 98 Degrees,

When this world gets you down
I'll always be around
I will be there for you, I'll be there for you

And if you're feeling small
I'll help you through it all
I will be there for you, I'll be there for you

And if you need me you gotta let me know
Cause you know you always got somewhere to go

Oh if you put your hand in my hand
Put your trust in me and I wont let you down
I will always be there for you
Oh if you put your heart in my heart
Take a walk with me and I will show you now
We can leave the pain behind us hand in hand

If you just need a friend
When the heartache starts again
I will be there for you, I'll be there for you

I'll chase the hurt away
My love is here to stay
I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you

I know I'm not wrong about what we got
The thing we feel between us babe is worth a lot

Oh if you put your hand in my hand
Put your trust in me and I wont let you down
I will always be there for you

Oh if you put your heart in my heart
Take a walk with me and I will show you now
We can leave the pain behind us hand in hand

You know I still want you baby (you know I still want you)
You know I'll always need you baby (you know I'll always need you)
You know I still want you baby (you know I still want you)

You know I'll always need you baby (you know I'll always need you)
You know I still want you baby (you know I still want you)
You know I'll always need you baby (you know I'll always need you)

Always be there

I know I'm not wrong about what we got
The thing we feel between us babe, is worth a lot

Put your hand in my hand
Put your trust in me and I wont let you down
I will always be there for you
Oh if you put your heart in my heart

Take a walk with me and I will show you now
We can leave the pain behind us hand in hand

Put your hand in my hand
Put your trust in me and I wont let you down
I will always be there for you

Oh if you put your heart in my heart
Take a walk with me and I will show you now
We can leave the pain behind us hand in hand..

Karaoke skladby z naší produkce:

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Cherish audio, video ... od 65 CZK

Láska necestuj tým vlakom audio, FullHD video ... od 75 CZK

Pálavské vršky (EV) audio, FullHD video ... od 75 CZK

Červíkův popěvek audio, video ... od 75 CZK

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... slovenští zákazníci si on-line mohou skladby zaplatit kartou nebo z těchto bank: OTP bank, Poštová banka, SBER bank, Tatra banka, mBank, Všeobecná úverová banka, ČSOB, Unicredit bank a Slovenská sporiťelňa.

... nabízíme skladby v těchto formátech:

  • MIDI karaoke GM
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  • MIDI Tyros (1-5)
  • MIDI PSR (900, 950, 970)
  • MP3 bez ML
  • MP3 s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke bez ML
  • Video Karaoke s ML ve vyšším rozlišení
  • Video Karaoke bez ML ve vyšším rozlišení
  • Video Karaoke pro mobily v 3GP
  • Video Karaoke MP4 s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke MP4 bez ML
  • CD-G Karaoke s ML
  • CD-G Karaoke bez ML
  • MP3-G Karaoke s ML
  • MP3-G Karaoke bez ML
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