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Lyrics of a song Poets of the Fall - Fragile

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Alba s touto skladbou: Karmacode , Crimson , Hello America, ...Nothing Like The Sun, Fever, Karmacode, Crimson, Zero, Revoulution Roulette, Bruno Pelletier et le GrosZorchestre,

You've been biting bullets all these years, I know
There beside yourself, choking back tears
And you aced avoiding possibility
When you made your bed upon the bittersweet

Oh now don't you worry
There's no need to be sorry
There's still time to step lightly

Cos the love you used to feel is still in there, inside
It may be the faded photograph, the lock of hair, don't hide
If you're scared, I'm here to hold you,
If you get lost I'm here to guide you
Love is peace when peace is fragile
Love is all the good in you that still remains
Love is peace when peace is fragile

You've been going out of way to agree
Like you've been rubbing yourself all wrong just to be somebody else's genie
Catering to your disasters every need
Waiting to finally be set free

I said baby don't worry
Life will carry
Just take it slowly

Cos the love...

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