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Lyrics of a song Pestilence - Echoes Of Death

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS p >> Pestilence >>
[Music: Mameli]
[Lyrics: Foddis]

Trapped inside my self-capsule
For a journey into an atmosphere
A darkened space I`m floating in
Although I am not here

I`m caught, a room, it`s coloured black
The trap I haven`t chosen
I cannot think, my limbs
I cannot move, seems like they`re frozen

Peaceful existence in a world
Above earthly life
I`ve been there in this paradise
Where all is calm and nice

Walking in the other side
I can`t tell the difference
Between day and night
Voices I can hear
Hidden somewhere, but they`re near
Out there in this universe
Imaginary world of fantasy
Am I dreaming?
But It seems so real to me

Humanity denies death
Search for immortality
Melancholy desire
Can`t become reality

No reason to fear death
We all will meet it anyway
A promised life in hereafter
As we will pass away

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