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Lyrics of a song Pastore - Just Human

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Alba s touto skladbou: The Price for the Human Sins,

Sometimes We Stop and Think
Maybe Analyze What's Happening
Mistakes, Errors, Lies, Omissions
Is a Dare, a Reason for Them?
What's Necessary? True Help for Us
People Ranked, Normal!
Kill, Rob, Shit! Why?
Humans Kill without a Motive
Humans Sin for Nothing

Humans Lie without Any Reason and After Say:
"We're Just Human! - Just Human!"
A Couple Swears at the Altar Loyalty,
Love and Patience After Six Months,
Wife Betrays Her Husband
Husband Betrays His Wife
Humans Kill without a Motive
Humans Sin for Nothing
Humans Lie without a Reason and After Say:
"We're Just Human! - Just Human!"

A Couple Swears at the Altar After Six Months,
Wife Betrays Her Husband
Humans Betray without a Motive
Humans Sin for Nothing
Humans Lie without a Reason and After Say:
"We're Just Human! - Just Human!"

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