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Karaoke text písně Pushmonkey - Limitless

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY p >> Pushmonkey >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The One,

Up, down, up
They say uh, though ain't so bad to clean up
after white trash I beat up
Hey come on and take me home I
just want to have to ask you, though I don't rightly have to
Hey come on I'm sweet and lonely
I got a key to your everything
Prints back and knees a lifted
I bet your weight has shifted
slippers and a terrycloth
wood creaks and a carryoff
a towel goes on the floor and
the lovely skin some more before I build a new erector
Your mouth, my hand, the silencing
My kind of clean gets the blood out of anything
Around the halls I'm roving
my sweetgum smile could hide a
wolf inside your sheepskin dirties
another house, another home, another life I hear you
Moan again and let me in
I got the key to your everything
I'm just a janitor oh and a monitor
the power's in the mastering now
I got the key to your everything
Your mouth, my hand, the silencing
Turn my hand may I come in
My kind of clean gets the blood out of anything
your kind of clean gets the blood on blood on
Oh my god she let me in
You don't know You don't know she let me in
you didn't know you'd be gone you are

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