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More then 1900 karaoke song in 29 filetypes. 1,1 TB for your own ON-LINE download. Pay by Card or PayPal!

Karaoke song: Team - Krátke lásky

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Song number: 3211. New song (added to web:2021-09-28 19:43:24). Tempo: 109 BPM. Duration: 02:56. music writer: Pavol Habera. Song is part of category  and : Slovak,

Avaiable (karaoke) files:

Description of filetypes here
for more information of song you can scroll this page

Sample audio/video

Here you can download samle files of our songs. Music is record on profesional keaboards, if you buy MIDI files and then you can play it on your own keyboards, soun of song may be another. We create songs primary for Yamaha. MIDI GM but is compatible, listen arrange, but no sounds. Duration of samples is max. 30 second.

MP3 with melody sample 30s (0.5 MB)freedownload
Video Karaoke HQ with melody sample 30s MPG freedownload resolution 720x576
Video Karaoke MP4 with melody sample 30s MP4 for iOS, Android or others operating systemsfreedownload resolution 640x480

MIDI songs

Files are for musician keyboards or computer music for example with VanBasco Karaoke player. If you want note sheets, MIDI files are great source.

Lyrics width chordsLyrics width chords BUY ONLY THIS FILE 5 CZK
(0,20 EUR)
MIDI karaoke (GM) MIDI karaoke (GM) BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,19 kB)75 CZK
(3,06 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit MIDI karaoke (GM) TO CART
MIDI karaoke (XG) MIDI karaoke (XG) BUY ONLY THIS FILE (23,52 kB)75 CZK
(3,06 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit MIDI karaoke (XG) TO CART
(3,68 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit MIDI (XF) TO CART
Yamaha Tyros Yamaha Tyros BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,75 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha Tyros TO CART
Yamaha Tyros 2 Yamaha Tyros 2 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,83 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha Tyros 2 TO CART
Yamaha Tyros 3 Yamaha Tyros 3 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,83 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha Tyros 3 TO CART
Yamaha Tyros 4 Yamaha Tyros 4 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,83 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha Tyros 4 TO CART
Yamaha Tyros 5 Yamaha Tyros 5 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,83 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha Tyros 5 TO CART
Yamaha GENOS Yamaha GENOS BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,87 kB)120 CZK
(4,90 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha GENOS TO CART
Yamaha PSR-S650, 750, 950 Yamaha PSR-S650, 750, 950 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,75 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha PSR-S650, 750, 950 TO CART
  BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,76 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit  TO CART
  BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,83 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit  TO CART
Yamaha PSR-SX900 Yamaha PSR-SX900 BUY ONLY THIS FILE (22,75 kB)110 CZK
(4,49 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit Yamaha PSR-SX900 TO CART

Note: Price for download simple file can be diferent of viewed price for inserting to cart.

MP3 music bacground

If you want only sing and you need only music buy, here is. We have 2 versions of music background. MP3 with lead melody play melody usually by flute. This version help you to learn right intonation. Professional version is without melody - use it if you know how to sing this song.

MP3 without melody MP3 without melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,90 MB)
Encoding: CBR, bitrate: 320
80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit MP3 without melody TO CART
MP3 with melody MP3 with melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,88 MB)
Encoding: CBR, bitrate: 320
80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
sample mp3 Vložit MP3 with melody TO CART

Transposed MP3 music bacgrounds

If you need transposed music bacground, you can order it. Some transposed files may be created - you can buy it now. If ordered file not created, we create it max. for 2-3 working days after your payments.

MP3 without melody
MP3 without melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,65 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,71 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,73 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,71 MB)
MP3 without melody
MP3 with melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,66 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,71 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,74 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (6,72 MB)

New!!! FullHD karaoke MP4

It's the best video karaoke version of our songs for your home karaoke. The best audio quality with 1080p video resolution in MP4 file format can be played on smartphones, smart TVs , computers or tablets.

FullHD Karaoke MP4 without melody FullHD Karaoke MP4 without melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (66,07 MB)90 CZK
(3,68 EUR)
Vložit FullHD Karaoke MP4 without melody TO CART
FullHD Karaoke MP4 with melody FullHD Karaoke MP4 with melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (66,07 MB)90 CZK
(3,68 EUR)
Vložit FullHD Karaoke MP4 with melody TO CART

Transposed FullHD karaoke

You can listen to original tuning in demo on youtube. If you want to buy transposed version, you can order it or directly buy.

FullHD Karaoke MP4 without melody
FullHD Karaoke MP4 without melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,55 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,51 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,52 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,51 MB)
FullHD Karaoke MP4 with melody
FullHD Karaoke MP4 with melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,55 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,51 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,52 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (64,52 MB)

Video Karaoke - HQ (DVD resolution)

This is typically filetype for your own home karaoke. Not remember lyrics? Never mind! Look at screen of your computer or watch lyrics on TV, listen music and sing it. It's so simple!

Video Karaoke HQ with melody Video Karaoke HQ with melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (60,55 MB)80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
video sample Vložit Video Karaoke HQ with melody TO CART
Video Karaoke HQ without melody Video Karaoke HQ without melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (60,55 MB)80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
Vložit Video Karaoke HQ without melody TO CART

Transposed Video Karaoke - HQ (DVD resolution)

Is music for your singing too low or higher ? No problem! You can order or buy transposed video karaoke. If some files are not disposible, we create it max. in 2 or 3 working days after your payments.

Video Karaoke HQ without melody
Video Karaoke HQ without melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Video Karaoke HQ with melody
Video Karaoke HQ with melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (59,13 MB)

Video Karaoke MP4, 3GP

MP4 is now universal video format. You can play in on all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows). Sing your favourite karaoke songs on your tablet or mobile phone! 3GP is for older mobile phones.

Video Karaoke MP4 with melody Video Karaoke MP4 with melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (37,78 MB)80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
video sample Vložit Video Karaoke MP4 with melody TO CART
Video Karaoke MP4 without melody Video Karaoke MP4 without melody BUY ONLY THIS FILE (37,78 MB)80 CZK
(3,27 EUR)
Vložit Video Karaoke MP4 without melody TO CART

Transposed Video Karaoke MP4

Is music for your singing too low or higher ? No problem! You can order or buy transposed video karaoke. If some files are not disposible, we create it max. in 2 or 3 working days after your payments.

Video Karaoke MP4 with melody
Video Karaoke MP4 with melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,93 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,89 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,89 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,89 MB)
Video Karaoke MP4 without melody -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Trans -5: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,93 MB)
Trans -3: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,89 MB)
Trans -2: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,89 MB)
Trans -1: BUY ONLY THIS FILE (36,88 MB)

Lyrics of this karaoke song:

Bola to láska na pár dní,
tá, čo sa volá Zabudni.
Čas je však zlodej záludný
a tak vracia mi ju späť.

Nemáva dlhé trvanie,
myslel som, čas ju odvanie,
ja sa chcem vrátiť
a ona nie,
takýto už býva svet.

Krátke lásky sú tie najdlhšie,
nikto nikdy ešte pred nimi neušiel.
Krátke lásky sa viac nemenia,
napíšu ti zbohom a donevidenia.

Na čo sú lásky na večnosť,
ja mám tej krátkej práve dosť
a znovu hľadám ku nej most,
no, jej tu viacej niet.

Krátke lásky sú tie najdlhšie,
nikto nikdy ešte pred nimi neušiel.
Krátke lásky sa viac nemenia,
napíšu ti zbohom a donevidenia.

Na krátku lásku, na tú my sme
naozaj prikrátki,
odišla nám preč, ako vo sne
a bez pamiatky.

Bola to láska z rýchlika,
tá, ktorej rýchlo odmykáš.
Vypukla náhle po nej panika,
nestihla zovšednieť.

Krátke lásky sú tu nastálo,
ako veľa smútku tu po nich zostalo.
Krátke lásky sa viac nemenia,
napíšu ti zbohom a donevidenia.

Krátke lásky sú tie najdlhšie,
nikto nikdy ešte pred nimi neušiel.
Krátke lásky sa viac nemenia,
napíšu ti zbohom a donevidenia,
napíšu ti zbohom a donevidenia.

Demo - version of file for download in FullHD resolution:

Our sample on YouTube:

Other karaoke song of this artist:

Ako málo
Čo s tým
Držím ti miesto (all filetypes)
Je to vo hviezdach (all filetypes)
Jeden kabát, jedna koža, jedna tvár (all filetypes)
Láska necestuj tým vlakom (all filetypes)
Lietam v tom tiež (all filetypes)
Malá nočná búrka (all filetypes)
Mám na teba chuť (all filetypes)
Nároční (all filetypes)
Óda ( na tie cesty po tele ) (all filetypes)
Pieseň pre nesmelých (all filetypes)
Preč, preč (all filetypes)
Reklama na ticho (all filetypes)
Severanka (all filetypes)
Slovník cudzých snov (all filetypes)
Ten krátky nápis (all filetypes)
Ženská menom Panika

Original Video on YouTube:

0,00 CZK
(0,00 EUR)

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