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Karaoke text písně Play - I Must Not Chase The Boys

Alba s touto skladbou: Temperature rising,

Won't someone tell me what is happening to me
Why am I so misunderstood, why can't they see?
Now I'm caught between the devil and the angel that I used to be.

They say I'll understand it all in good time
but age ain't nothin but a number in my mind
I'm goin' crazy with this push me pull me
caught between the wrong and right

I wanna give in to the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
the moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase the boys

I started writing down my deepest secrets
seven days a week of truth and fantasy
got the feelin' that the way my life is
got to be prepared for changes

Won't someone tell me what is happenin' to me
why am I so misunderstood
why can't they see?
Now I'm caught between the devil and the angel
that I used to be

I wanna give in to the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
the moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase...
I wanna go left but they told me go right
don't wanna be the little girl they kissin' goodnight
the moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase the boys

They could try to make me write a thousand lines
but that won't ever change the way I feel inside
They've got their opinions but I just don't care
cause that's not what I wanna hear

I, I must, I must not chase the boys
I, I must, I must not chase the boys
I, I must, I must, I must not...chase...the boys

I wanna give in to the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
the moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase...
I wanna go left but they told me go right
don't wanna be the little girl they kissin' goodnight
the moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase........the boys

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