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Karaoke text písně Chesney Hawkes - Ordinary Girl

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY c >> Chesney Hawkes >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Best Of Hanah Montana, Hannah Montana Forever, Letting Go, M6, Hannah Montana Forever, One Minute Too Late, Buddy´s Song, Hannah Montana 2, Mouth Full Of Nails, Diisneys stars,

(Nigel Hinton/John Wesley Harding)

Whoop wha oooh
Whoop wha oooh

At the end of the day
When I know that I'm gonna meet you
My heart just can't wait
So it races as fast as my feet do
At the very moment I take your hand and the moment we touch
I tell you how much I care
But I almost can't speak ´cause I love you too much

Ordinary girl
It's an ordinary world we live in
You make it special every day
Ordinary girl
It's something precious that you're giving
This ordinary guy is proud to say I'm in love
I'm in love, I'm in love with an ordinary girl
An ordinary girl

Ba da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da daahh

Ba da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da da

Nothing has changed
Just familiar things all around me
But nothing's the same
I see with new eyes since you found me
Even the way that the wind blows cold when we're walking at night
Just have to hold you close
You make everything good
You make everything right

Ordinary girl
It's an ordinary world we live in
You make it special every day
Ordinary girl
It's something precious that you're giving
This ordinary guy is proud to say I'm in love
I'm in love, I'm in love with an ordinary girl
An ordinary girl
An ordinary girl

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